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Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


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C-Card Information for Professionals

Key information about the C-Card

The C-Card programme is a condom distribution scheme, aiming to increase access to free condoms in the community. This service is available to people aged 13 and over.

When a person registers for a C-Card, they fill in a C-Card registration form which asks for basic information such as name, date of birth and postcode. The professional registering them then asks relevant safeguarding questions, based on the age and needs of the person. Once this is all completed, the professional provides them with a C-Card, and an initial condom pack.

Once the person is registered for a C-Card, they can show this at any C-Card distribution point to get a free C-Card condom pack, the professional simply takes the C-Card and makes a relevant log of the visit.

Each condom pack includes a sexual health service leaflet, 6 condoms and 3 lubrication sachets.


Becoming a C-Card registration or distribution venue

We offer free training to a range of local venues and professionals, to be able to register people for C-Cards, and/or distribute C-Card packs. We can train all kinds of professionals, such as pharmacists, receptionists, youth workers and other community facing roles. The training session is around 1-2 hours for venues wishing to become a registration point, and 30 minutes for venues who would like be a distribution point. The training can be done face-to-face or online (via Microsoft Teams).

There are many benefits to becoming a C-Card registration or distribution venue, including:

  • Opportunity to engage with local young people
  • Promote positive sexual health in the community
  • Close links to sexual health service

If you would like to become a C-Card registration or distribution venue, please contact your local team:

Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire:

South Staffordshire:


Telford and Wrekin:


Posters, promotional material and paperwork

You can find a range of resources, including posters, promotional material and paperwork, available to download for free on the Resources page of our website.



Your local team may be able to provide a free C-Card drop-in at your venue, where the team can register people for C-Cards, and distribute C-Card condom packs. This depends on the team’s availability, so please get in touch with your local team to enquire about this, providing as much detail as possible, such as number of people, dates and times:

Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire:

South Staffordshire:


Telford and Wrekin:


Information for parents and carers

We have specific information on our website for parents and carers of young people who register for a C-Card, answering frequently asked questions, with a downloadable PDF that you can print off too.

Visit our “C-Card information for Parents and Carers” webpage