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Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


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How to use external condoms

(Sometimes known as male condoms)

An external condom is a thin latex or plastic sheath that is put over an erect penis or sex toy. This protects against STIs as well as pregnancy and is 98% effective if used correctly.

Before Sex

Condom expiry date

Check that the condom:

  • Is in date
  • Has no damage to the packet
  • Has the relevant kite marks (these symbols are shown below):

BSI KitemarkCE Condom Safety Mark

Remove the condom from the packet

  1. Using your finger and thumb, push the condom away from the top of the packet, whilst us still inside. Using the opposite hand, carefully open the packet, using the jagged edges on either side. Remove the condom from the packet.


2. Make sure the condom is the right way up (tip pointing upwards) before putting it on to the penis/ sex toy.


3. Squeeze the tip of the condom gently, between your finger and thumb, making sure there is no air in the tip. Using the opposite hand, whilst still holding the tip, roll the condom down to the base of the erect penis/ sex toy.

Water based lube

During sex

  • Use plenty of lube as this can help to make the condom less likely to break
  • If the condom starts to slip off, or breaks, stop having sex, before continuing to have sex

After sex


  1. When sex has finished, remove the erect penis/ sex toy straight away, and hold the condom on at the base of the penis/ sex toy while you do this.


5. Gently remove the condom from the penis/ sex toy, making sure that no semen spills out (is used on a penis).


6. Twist the open end of the condom, so that no semen spills out (is used on a penis). Wrap it in tissue paper and put it in the bin – don’t flush it down the toilet.