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Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


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Looking to get tested for STIs?

Visit our "Services Available at Clinics page" by clicking the link below.

See which clinics offer STI testing

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread by sex (anal, oral and vaginal), and in some cases, by non-penetrative sexual contact (such as sharing sex toys, sexual touching, close skin-to-skin contact).

Some are easy to get rid of and some you can’t get rid of but you can get treatment.

Using condoms and dental dams can help to protect you against STIs.

Other Infections

Some other infections and conditions can cause similar symptoms to STIs. These can include thrush, bacterial vaginosis and genital dermatology conditions (things like dry skin or rashes around your genitals). If you think your infection is not sexually transmitted (e.g. you’re not sexually active), we recommend visiting a pharmacy or your GP in the first instance as we may not be able to treat you.

Read leaflets produced by Sexwise/FPA, on the following infections below:

Non-gonococal Urethritis

Pubic Lice & Scabies

Thrush & Bacterial Vaginosis

Trichomonas Vaginalis

‘Your Guide to STIs’ for Black, Asian and Minoritized Communities

BHA for Equality has produced Your Guide to STIs for Black, Asian and Minoritized Communities, who are disproportionately affected by STIs. The guide is available in English, Urdu, Portuguese, and Farsi.

Download ‘Your Guide to STIs’ here.

Order an STI testing kit online

Free self-taken testing kits are available to people aged 16+ with no symptoms.

Online Testing

Find out what to expect when you visit a sexual health clinic for an STI test

What happens when you visit for an STI test?