Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infections that are spread by sex (anal, oral and vaginal), and in some cases, by non-penetrative sexual contact (such as sharing sex toys, sexual touching, close skin-to-skin contact).
Some are easy to get rid of and some you can’t get rid of but you can get treatment.
Using condoms and dental dams can help to protect you against STIs.
Symptoms: No symptoms, discharge, pain when weeing, bleeding between periods or after sex.
Test: A urine sample or swab.
Treatment: Easily treated with antibiotic tablets.
Symptoms: No symptoms, discharge, bleeding between periods.
Test: A urine sample or swab.
Treatment: Easily treated with an injection.
Symptoms: No symptoms, sore on genitals, rash on palms of hands and soles of feet.
Test: A blood sample.
Treatment: Treated with antibiotics – this may be a single injection, a course of injections or tablets.
Symptoms: Often no symptoms, possible to have a flu-like illness a few weeks after infection
Test: A fingerprick test or a blood sample, depending where you go for the test
Treatment: There is no cure but HIV can be treated and controlled with antiretroviral drugs. If you’re on effective treatment you can expect to lead a normal life and can’t pass on HIV to anyone else.
Read more about how to prevent HIV (including PrEP and PEP) on
Genital Warts
Symptoms: Lumps, bumps or growths around genital/anal area
Test: Doctor/nurse will look at affected area
Treatment: Treatment is available to get rid of the warts, like using a cream or freezing them off. There is no treatment that cures genital warts, but it’s possible for your body to fight the virus over time.
Genital Herpes
Symptoms: Blisters, sores around the genital/anal area
Test: Doctor/nurse will look at affected area and run a swab over any sores
Treatment: There is no cure but you can ease symptoms and stop the virus from multiplying with anti-viral tablets.
Hepatitis C
Symptoms: No symptoms, high temperature, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdominal pains, feeling or being sick
Test: Blood sample
Treatment: Treated with antiviral medicine for several weeks
Other Infections
Some other infections and conditions can cause similar symptoms to STIs. These can include thrush, bacterial vaginosis and genital dermatology conditions (things like dry skin or rashes around your genitals). If you think your infection is not sexually transmitted (e.g. you’re not sexually active), we recommend visiting a pharmacy or your GP in the first instance as we may not be able to treat you.
Read leaflets produced by Sexwise/FPA, on the following infections below:
More Information
Read more about STIs and sexual health on the websites below:
‘Your Guide to STIs’ for Black, Asian and Minoritized Communities
BHA for Equality has produced Your Guide to STIs for Black, Asian and Minoritized Communities, who are disproportionately affected by STIs. The guide is available in English, Urdu, Portuguese, and Farsi.