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Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


Sexual Health services in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin


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Finding our Telford Sexual Health Clinic (Bishton Court)

With the construction work on Telford’s new Station Quarter underway, some people are having trouble finding our clinic. We’ve created a handy navigation guide to help make finding us a little easier, including details on where to park.

You may need to allow extra time for parking and walking to the clinic.

What is Station Quarter?

Station Quarter is the redevelopment of land between Telford Central train station and the Telford Shopping Centre. The construction work for this new land development has meant the old footbridge that crossed Lawn Central road and connected the shopping centre to surrounding Council buildings, Bishton Court and the train station, was demolished. With the footbridge gone, there is now a longer walkway path which directs you around the building site.

Where can I Park to attend the Telford Clinic?

There is no on site parking at Bishton Court. The easiest place to park is in the ‘Ash Grey’ short stay car park at the Telford Shopping Centre. The entrance to this car park is off Lawn Central, near Primark and M&S. You will need to walk from the car park, crossing the road where it is blocked off by the construction work.

Navigating the Walkway to Bishton Court

The walkway is clearly signposted with black and yellow signs pointing towards Telford Central train station. Continue past ‘Darby House’ down the path as it curves around the construction fencing. As you follow the walkway, there will be black hoarding around the construction site.



As you come out of  signposted walkway, there will be a large building called ‘Kendal Court’ directly in front of you. Turn right and continue walking around the final corner to Bishton Court.



The short walk from the carpark to the clinic will take around 5-7 minutes. Please allow enough time to reach the clinic, as you need to arrive 10 minutes BEFORE your appointment time. You may have to be re-booked if you have not arrived by your designated appointment time.

To see opening times and what services this clinic offers, visit our clinic page.